The vapor generated in the heating chamber of the Fin Evaporator contains a large amount of liquid foam. After reaching the evaporation chamber of a larger space, these liquids can be separated from the vapor by self-condensation or defoamer. Usually, the demister is located at the top of the evaporation chamber.
According to the operating pressure, the evaporator can be divided into three types: normal pressure, pressurized, and depressurized. According to the movement of the solution in the evaporator, there are 1. Circulation type. The boiling solution passes through the heating surface many times in the heating chamber, such as the central circulation tube type, the hanging basket type, the external heating type, the Levin type, and the forced circulation type. 2. One-way type. The boiling solution passes through the heating surface once in the heating chamber without circulating flow and then discharges the concentrated liquid, such as rising film type, falling film type, stirring film type, and centrifugal film type, etc. 3. Direct contact type. The heating medium directly contacts the solution to transfer heat, such as a submerged combustion evaporator. During the operation of the evaporation device, a large amount of heating steam is consumed. In order to save heating steam, a multi-effect evaporation device and a steam recompression evaporator can be used. Evaporators are widely used in the chemical, light industry, and other sectors.